Let's talk about toxic positivity
What is toxic positivity?
What it really boils down to is believing that being happy or positive is the only way to be, and ignoring negative emotions. (Your own, or those of others.) It's not sustainable and it's not healthy
I know that most of what I share is fun, positive, motivational, etc, but I do my best to be honest. I want everyone to know that my life isn't perfect, no matter what is posted online. Someone once told me, "never compare your real life with someone else's curated online content" and it hit me hard. We so often look to others to see how we are doing in life, when what we see often isn't real.
I do strive to look for the good in every situation that I can. Even the worst days have a lesson somewhere. But, even if good comes from it, that doesn't mean that I can (or should) ignore the pain or difficulty of being in that situation.
I have struggles, just like everyone else. What's important is getting through those struggles and using those negative emotions to grow, to relate more to others, to have more empathy, and to not let them define my life. I am in a good place right now, but would never be who I am without both the good and bad in my life.
My hope is that I never make someone feel like I am diminishing their pain or struggles. I won't tell you that someone else has it worse and you should just suck it up and be thankful that things aren't that bad. Because, as true as it may be that you have it better than someone else, knowing that doesn't make your problems any smaller. If anything, it only adds to the feeling of guilt and makes the problem bigger.
It's OK to be not OK. It's OK to feel like you aren't living your "best life" all the time. It's more than OK to be flawed and imperfect. It's human. It's real.
What are your thoughts on toxic positivity? Have you ever experienced it and how did it effect you?
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